Interesting training? nothing easier!

Each new job is associated with a stage of training, introduction to the position and competences, and long meetings with a number of new people. For the employee who conducts these trainings and meetings, it is difficult to keep the enthusiasm and motivation contagious on a number of new employees. Routine, repetition and boredom creep into training. At the beginning, a new employee meets people who seem bored and burnt out. As the simplest mechanism that has been operating since the dawn of time is modeling, called imitation, the new employee will quickly take over the attitude of a tired trainer. But is there any advice?

Spoken training and seen training

The most common way of transferring knowledge to new employees is Herbert’s lecture. One person stands in front of new employees and lays out his truths. Sometimes it also happens that an employee receives a file of printed documents with described procedures that he must learn. Neither one nor the other method is effective. Both are heavily outdated. However, it is a method that has always been used. On the other hand, since you have moved away from creating Christmas decorations using asbestos, maybe it’s time to move away from boring training? The most effective and innovative way to train a new employee is to make them interested in the content of the training. Although this seems a trivial view, it is actually much easier to remember content presented in an eye-friendly, interesting way. So if you’re not a famous orator, and you don’t tempt with words like a serpent in Eden, then it’s time you used a picture!

Explainer animation and training

An explanatory animation is an irreplaceable tool for every Human Resource employee. An interesting, unusual and often humorous animation will make the employee focus their attention on the content of the training and remember it. The more senses you engage during the training, the easier it will be to remember. Example? Training on the new procedure for using the oven in the bakery. In the explanatory animation, you’ll see round buns with steam rising. The realistic image makes you feel the smell of well-baked bread, you will feel the taste of a crispy bun. A warm and competent voice will tell you how to use the oven so that the bread you create looks like this. You can get a file of the printed procedure for comparison. Do you feel the difference? Needless to say, a well-trained employee also means better product quality, more satisfied customers, fewer accidents at work, etc. Training does not have to be a boring duty of a new employee. It can be an interesting animation that will activate the employees’ senses and engage them in the content. Don’t be that HR employee who is bored with his duties and performs them along the path of least resistance. Be the one who reaches for innovative tools, the one who will have a real impact on the quality and reception of your work. Have the courage to change and we’ll do the rest.